Friday, December 12, 2014

My Future Vision

My Future Hopes , Dreams & Desires Designed by Angelique C ©2014
        I love to vision my future in my dream world. Since i love to act in high school i really wanna continue in College and my Dream College is Chicago of Performing Arts . Ill graduate with an amazing recommendation to work with the best of Hollywood's amazing actors . I can't wait to
work in action movies, love stories, and even horror movies. I'd love to buy my mom and dad a lovely mansion near the beach & make them retire and jut enjoy life to it's fullest. Next i wanna
volunteer my time at cancer hospitals for children and for the hungry in South Africa and help makes home for them . Also maybe get to buy my Dream car which Mercedes Red SUV and always have a vacation in New York . But i can guarantee everything will happen the way I'd like but i have control to make it happen as much as i can .
         My truly my Main Happiness is singing , i wish i joined choir

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Thanks a Bunch , Have a Good Day!!