Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The World Would Be A Better Place if ....

      PTSA , The World Would Be A Better Place If Competition 


             My Masterpiece was very much inspired by looking in magazines about our economy
 that it's not in the best condition and we all have to be united to help each other out. I really care about Polar Bears , their very delicate and really cute and we need to help them out . Poverty is not the most pretty thing to see , because it's very sad that they don't get to eat good food or any food at all . Also Unity , there should no longer be Racial Profiling , its unfair and were all equal. Also we should change electric items  into solar panels it'll help us pay cheaper bills and the economy at the
same time :)

                I created my Masterpiece by looking online and in magazines for inspirations , i looked more in depth and look for all the problem areas . Which included the economy and our world and us humans. So i got some photos off the internet and decide to combine all of them to make it collide and it turn out really good and i'm happy with my Piece ! So the tutorial that inspired me , can be found here  . Though i didn't  follow the steps by steps , i was thriving  for success and i hope i achieved  it :)

"Better Than Ever " , Design by Angelique C. © 2014 


  1. AWESOME. I like the gradient you used on the text for earth. :D

  2. I liked your comments on the racial profiling :)

  3. I like your idea about taking care of the Earth. We are slowly destroying our planet with all of inefficient machines. I noticed how the background is a person holding the Earth. I think that is a great idea because it goes along well with your statement. Also, have you considered of moving the pictures around and making them your own? I think you could have made them more your own so it can have a little bit more uniqueness to it. For the pictures, I think your could have moved them around more so people could look around your project and see how we can take better care of our Earth. Besides that, I think your project idea is good.

  4. Hi Angelique! Your artwork is so cute! I like how you talk about a variety of topics within it! I noticed that you use the Earth as your main focus which relates back to your subtopics; I thought that was smart of you. My only suggestion is to use move the blue text a little more down so the hands wouldn't interfere with it but that's just something minor. Other than the suggestion, I think yours is great! :D<3

  5. Wow, This looks so professional! I love all the points you made. The gradient you used to the text in "Earth" really adds to the message. Its nice to see a PTSA like this! also, the captions on the pictures really make for a deeper level of understanding. great job c:


Thanks a Bunch , Have a Good Day!!